Monday, June 10, 2013

New URL - Link available here!

Hi everyone,

I have left both many heavy thoughts and fleeting moments recorded in this blog - but I want to have a new fresh start (with the templates too) since my ChatterBox has been spewing out random comments.

The posts made here will not be forgotten - after all, I didn't just spend time to write for no reason!

I will be starting out on a good note here:


Friday, January 4, 2013

Found another Musical gem: this amazing Japanese Indie band playing もう恋なんてしない

Wow! This Japenese group called GooseHouse is amazing! They do a lot of covers of J-Pop and anime songs. This particular cover was amazing - I was familiar to the tune from a Cantonese song by Leon Lai, but found out the melody was from the original Japanese song - but these guys put it into English lyrics!

The girl singer (Kei Takebuchi) is especially talented (but the guitarist and the other guy is amazing too, with their harmonies and strumming technique - the guitarist seems SO into it!) with her good English accent which apprently takes years to pick up.

Very nice lyrics to a very nice melody~!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012, another Year of the Dragon

Hi all,

With all the fireworks and countdowns over, I'd like to do a (hopefully) quick recap of the year that was, and this can act as a reminder of how much I got to achieve as a ballpark figure.

In Chronological Order:

  1. Spent new years with family at Home (looks like I did it again)
  2. Platinum'd Played Gundam Extreme Vs
  3. Went on Holiday to HK
  1. Started new job - everyone knows which day it was ;)
  2. Clocked FF13-2
  3. Hung out with friends a lot (yum cha/board games/dinner in city)
  1. Alvin visited Melb
  2. Started Orchestra again
  3. Tushar BBQ - waited till Peter arrived, but was falling asleep bad
April - Mid April
  1. SRW Z2-2
  2. Attempted day trip planned turned into Wrath of Titans #Random#
  3. Video Games Symphony unplugged

  1. Avengers
  2. MTG Pre-releases
  3. Graduation Ceremony - lots of Lolzy photos (chicken salt) 
  4. Bro - korean (fail groupon) bbq / movie / teapo / hotpot (stomach ache) / saigon lite
  1. Visited Alex at Crust Pizza - epic "carribean lamb" pizza
  2. Phil concert! (missed Heidleberg)
  3. Passing probation at work :)
  1. CAS training - one of the best times of the year! Got to stay at Sheraton in KL
  2. Had many lunches in the city
  1. I used my phone calendar the most
  2. DT dinner - and seeing him off to America
  3. Bumped into Sam Nikitin from primary school
  4. Weekend trip to Sydney - catchup with Fred, Rob, Anthea, Peter, Will, Ramit
  1. Spring Concert!
  2. Dinner in city
  1. Birthday Dinner / BBQ
  2. Family Trip to Wilson's Prom :)
  3. Sohan's part
  1. Alan's gami chicken farewell dinner
  2. Proudcts Oscars / Arriving at driveway of A.Vo's party and then going home right away - thanks Lyn you saved my life!!!
  3. Seeing off Jasmine to Canada
  4. Roger episode - lots of drama and suspense - he's a good kid
  5. Surprise Wang Party / Work end of year drinks
  1. SRW 2nd OG on the PS3!!!
  2. Alan's house bbq get together
  3. Mike's BBQ
  4. Christmas with Bro and his gf :) - Venus Bay pipi catching, pepper lunch, skyfalllll, lots of card games 
  5. NYE spent working and sleeping in bed 
  6. End of year Work BBQ - PECANYA is amazing!
Well, that's a wrap! I hope we've all learnt valuable lessons as the old year departs and the new year begins. I for one know I need to work harder in getting off my ass to maintain and re-visit those friendships.

I have actually filled my ultraman with shiny gold coins now. Since I can't fit anymore in, I will stop looking and asking for gold coins - that can be one of my new year's resolution.

Listening to the latest HK pop, making me feel that way again. Oh my future lady, where are you to be found? Guess I'll just have to keep waiting...

Surviving the end of the world is a good thing :) every additional day we get by is a bonus :)

Monday, December 17, 2012

A Night Worth Complaining

I don't usually do this, but I have to rant. Rushed home all the way via public transport, drove out to get to donation centre 2 minutes late. They tell me to sit down, fill some forms - okay, that didn't take much longer than 5-10 minutes. Then the interview process took forever just because I travelled since my last donation to Korea and Malaysia. Ok, that's fine - then they miss the finger prick spot and had to spend 4 times as long to squeeze enough blood for haemoglobin test. STILL OK. Just to top it off, the lady sat there confused for 5 minutes and then asked another nurse to confirm about the extra tests they need to take. Haven't tipped me over yet. What finally did me in was the fact that the nurse sticks the needle in, then mucks around and twirls with it - THEN has the nerve to tell me that it's not in the right vein (pun not intended) and I am let off. Phenomenal waste of time, did not even get to feed the vampires one drop.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Inspiring Pep Talk + Lame Pun Coon? Yep!

Sometimes when you sharpen a pencil too much the tip snaps - then you just need to keep re-sharpening it and the sharpness will be return. Sure, it may take time and use up some layers of wood on the way - but at least in the end there will still be a point to it. 
- VM 12/06/2012

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Recap on Q2 2012

WOW! It's how fast a month can pass without you knowing!

  1. S Birthday
  2. Avengers
  3. Avacyn Helvault
  4. Hunger Games
  5. Graduation Ceremony - lots of Lolzy photos (chicken salt) 
  6. Bro - korean (fail groupon) bbq / movie / teapo / hotpot (stomach ache) / saigo lite
  7. CC Dinner 
  1. plecan? - Crash crust? - THIS TUESDAY!!!
  2. Weights / Bike - need to keep it up
  3. DT hotpot
  4. Dark shadows
  5. Demi bday
  6. plan that dinner
  7. Phil concert! (missed Heidleberg)
  8. [blank slot]

  1. Ohmit - pending
  2. cow sun - played Dota, but needs IRL
  3. new guy - still pending
  4. limbert - DD never played - still pending
  5. Do Magic Night?
  6. HP Books 6 + 7
  7. Shoes from Bro - then are under my bed
  8. Super Consolidation - CRAP need to do it
  9. Guitar - took it out, it is out of tune.
  10. Where is the 1.5-1.5 cable? STILL NO EYE-DEER
  11. Printer Toner - $79.00 CPL
  12. CFA Books / Finance refresh
  13. Weights / Bike

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Recap on Q1 2012

  1. Spent new years at Home
  2. Played Gundam Extreme Vs (clocked 80+ hours)
  3. Went on Holiday to HK
  4. Shouted extended family a meal
  5. Hung out with E, D, A, G, Ag in HK
  6. Met up with Terry in HK
  7. Ivan Farewell
  8. Watch Daniel Co. Play cricket, hung with Danny


  1. Returned from HK to Home
  2. Started Orientation/Training
  3. Grinded FF13-2
  4. Bought new pants
  5. Grace board games
  6. Built Gundams SD
  7. Stagefright
  8. Dinner Catchup in City - Robbie Richo Jenny Vic Law Pjays Anton
  9. Susan Bday
  10. Yum Cha with Liew Co.


  1. Met up with Alvin in Melb for last time :(
  2. Helped 3B proofread report
  3. Lunch with friends at work
  4. L Started Work
  5. Went to see Doc about sleep/sweat
  6. Started Orchestra again
  7. Tushar BBQ
  8. Howie Co. BANG^nanagrams x 2
  9. Carmel String Catchup

April - Mid April

  1. Built Aegis
  2. Easter = SRW Z2-2
  3. Mt. Dandenong turned Wrath of Titans #Random#
  4. Moved Chips to work daily
  5. Video Games Symphony unplugged
  6. Badminton with Sandra


  1. S Birthday
  2. Avengers
  3. Avacyn Helvault


  1. Ohmit
  2. cow sun
  3. plecan? - Crash crust?
  4. new guy
  5. limbert - DD never played

  6. Do Magic Night?
  7. HP Books 6 + 7
  8. Shoes from Bro
  9. Super Consolidation
  10. Guitar
  11. Where is the 1.5-1.5 cable?
  12. Printer Toner
  13. CFA Books / Finance refresh
  14. Weights / Bike