Sunday, May 6, 2012

Recap on Q2 2012

WOW! It's how fast a month can pass without you knowing!

  1. S Birthday
  2. Avengers
  3. Avacyn Helvault
  4. Hunger Games
  5. Graduation Ceremony - lots of Lolzy photos (chicken salt) 
  6. Bro - korean (fail groupon) bbq / movie / teapo / hotpot (stomach ache) / saigo lite
  7. CC Dinner 
  1. plecan? - Crash crust? - THIS TUESDAY!!!
  2. Weights / Bike - need to keep it up
  3. DT hotpot
  4. Dark shadows
  5. Demi bday
  6. plan that dinner
  7. Phil concert! (missed Heidleberg)
  8. [blank slot]

  1. Ohmit - pending
  2. cow sun - played Dota, but needs IRL
  3. new guy - still pending
  4. limbert - DD never played - still pending
  5. Do Magic Night?
  6. HP Books 6 + 7
  7. Shoes from Bro - then are under my bed
  8. Super Consolidation - CRAP need to do it
  9. Guitar - took it out, it is out of tune.
  10. Where is the 1.5-1.5 cable? STILL NO EYE-DEER
  11. Printer Toner - $79.00 CPL
  12. CFA Books / Finance refresh
  13. Weights / Bike