Sunday, September 4, 2011

Subjugated Interactions

So after some question posting and busying myself with some TVB episodes, I acquired an urge to write a small post.

How is it wrong to keep helping and be nice to a person even though your intention has changed since the beginning? I understand that from another's perspective that I am "being used", but does that make it justified if I am simply cool with it? How is this different from helping the people who you meet which you became good friends with?

Why must the "past" always be there to haunt us in the future? Why can't people see and understand that times have changed and the interaction is now different to before? Or are human beings just truly nostalgic creatures who will always be affected by past emotions and memories?

But also a good question to ask myself is, "why do you still bother?"

I came up with the proposal that maybe I want to show the world that I am not that type of realistic person who will stop doing nice things for people even though my interest in them has ceased, especially if it's the opposite gender. I don't think of it as a practical "benefits" vs "cost" thing, it's just a uni-directional love of helping people and leaving as many positive memories for people as long as I can before my time on this Earth runs out. I feel this is a very bad attitude, we can change this. I want to hold that innocence tightly, and hope people don't look down on me or speak ill of me.

Sure, my decision may deem me the "loser" of the struggle, but in the end, as long as we are happy with our lives and can be responsible of our actions, there really isn't any shame.

1 comment:

Ritzy said...

my only concern is the part of "even though my interest in them has ceased", i think you need to ponder harder of you reason you are doing this.

I'm not saying that doing nice things to people and loving them is bad, but if your intention was that you don't care to begin with, it might just result in a chore, a deed for the sake of just doing a good deed.

I have the opposite problem, where I continue to show interest and restoring friendship, when the other person has lost interest and hold a cant be bothered attitude. I've come to realise no matter how hard I try, its up to them to forgive me, and they may or may not. ><"

p.s. gl with the finance apps in the future!